Maturity rating change

As a quick notice, which doesn't change anything about the game or your experience of it: anyone who may have accessed the game's page during the first two weeks of demo release will have noticed there was an 18+ warning upon entering the website.

Recently, I removed the tag which marked the game as not-safe-for-work, so that won't show up anymore.

I misunderstood the 'not appropriate for minors' setting option as a general recommendation rather than explicit. Because I've rated the game 16+, it's still not recommended for minors, due to the dark setting and inappropriate references.

I don't otherwise mind the category, but it's a misleading for anyone looking for 18+ content. If that was your expectation, it's better to let you know earlier that this game never intended to have that type of material.

Thanks for bearing with me while I work out and where my work sits.

Get Hateship (DEMO)

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